Monday, May 26, 2014

DIY bathroom cabinets

This weekend I decided to tackle something I've been wanting to do since I looked at this house when it was on the market...paint my cabinets. I had read blogs and been on Pinterest for months looking at different articles on how to do this and what to use as a DIY.  
Sunday afternoon I finally decided it was time to tackle this project. I started small incase my painting skills were to be desired, decided to do my master bathroom since it's what I start my day with and relative small counter area.

In my haste of the decision to start this project I forgot just take a before picture so this is the listing pic before I bought I home. 

When I painted my entertainment center I had read to always use oil or latex based primer for wood. When I went to lowes for the paint, I asked the girl at the painting section what primer she suggested for cabinets and she told me to get zinsser and their 1-2-3 latex formula I could skip sanding because it would stick the the glossy cabinet finish. 
I got home with my supplies and cleaned the cabinets and little sanded them with the sandpaper piece I had leftover from my enteraintment center years ago. And I did this briefly basically just touching all areas. Then I got to taping, removing drawers, hardware and priming at 8pm on Sunday. 

This morning (Monday) I started putting on paint and by 10 I had a good second coat (letting it dry for 30 minutes to an hour between each coat). I guess I should mention i used a roller and not a brush for this project. 

For the color I chose valspar reserve and I chose the color Boysenberry jam. (Note outside pics make it look too purple-y which it's not in my opinion) 
And after 3 or 4 coats I sealed it with polycyclic coat just because I didn't do it with my entertainment center and it doesn't look bad but it doesn't have a professional sealed finish so I figured doing it here couldn't hurt. 
And by 3 pm everything was dry enough to put back in place and I gotta say I'm so happy with the finish look!! 

Not sure I'm ready to do my kitchen cabinets yet but I won't be so scared to when that time does come. 

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