Friday, January 25, 2013

De-icing made easy.

For all those dealing with ice and snow and need to de-ice your windshield and trick I've learned thanks to a Pinterest blog is: Get a spray bottle of some sorts,white vinegar, salt and water. Pour vinegar into spray bottle until bout half full. Pour salt into bottle. I don't measure it out but I pour a lot into bottle and then add just a lil bit of water. (Cold water is fine and I barely add any water like a second or two count). Shake and spray mixture onto your windshield or lights and then you can use almost anything to push the ice and snow to the side. Immediately works and best tip I learned from Pinterest so far. I'm sure the original post on Pinterest will have amounts given for each item but when I did this I just did it from remembering the elements needed & created it & it worked! It was awesome, I was the last one outside out of my neighbors but the first one gone when I have used this so far. Just thought I'd share. I roughly I would suggest 2/3 vinegar then salt 1/8 or more and water maybe 1/3 ratio.

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