Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Once in a lifetime experience


Friday, May 15, 2015

Song for the week

My 13 year old nephew is always asking me what my favorite song is everytime he sees me and this is definitely the tune and I can't stop humming right now.

Alex & Sierra - Little Do You Know: https://youtu.be/4bzIpYiPUUo

I love my backyard!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

New bedroom set

I love having a mother that's a realtor, and I'm always amazed as to what her clients leave behind. I needed a new bed and also now have my first actual bedroom set as an adult. No more sleeping off the floor like a college student. Don't get me wrong I still like my old dresser. As you can see from the design of both old and new I'm a texture kind of gal. I'm just glad I was able to fit in my closet. Plus the dogs seem to approve of the new bed!

Video: Blind 16 year sings national anthem

I have seen this video twice now and got teary-eyed  each time, it's just jaw dropping how beautifully pure her voice is! &makes me Proud to be American!

Blind Disabled girl sings National Anthem: http://youtu.be/U4CRdYGK4Ys