I'm at the point where I want my house to start being a little bit nicer to me. This weekend after cleaning up the flood that I cause while changing the guest bathroom faucet, I found out my refrigerator has had a slow leak since the year ago when it was brought to my house since the leak is not from the fridge itself but the connection at the supply line. I only found it because when I picked up a bug trap the bottom of it was wet, and I was like that's weird and not good. I got down and shined a flashlight underneath the fridge and didn't see any standing water and put down a rag and when I picked it up it wasn't dry but it wasn't wet. More like moist. Luckily, something told me to put the rag down and leave it for a while and then come back and check it later. so Sunday night at 9 o'clock I picked up the rag thinking I could put it away and it was wet/soaked. Earlier I had tried to move my refrigerator but unsuccessfully but apparently the adrenaline of finding that water is leaking and hitting my floor made me strong enough to where I could move the fridge out of the hole. And sure enough I find a leak. Good news is it's not the fridge itself, Bad news is it's the supply line connection at the Valve. What really burns my biscuit about it is that the person who connected the line (which was somebody my mom hired to move a refrigerator as a side job) knew it was leaking because they didn't open the Valve hardly at all. Just goes to show how other people don't really care about your belongings/home. Also makes me mad because I'm sure it's a simple fix to stop the leak, making any long term damage unnecessary... And did I mention the fridge has been there for a year!!!! First I shut off the valve and don't have an issue of leaking water now but also dont have an ice marker. Which also makes me mad about the wouldbe installer since all they had to do was leave it shut and say hey I can't get it not to leak so don't turn on the water until somebody looks at it or even if they did connect it and turn it on, at least say something like hey that's leaking you might want to have somebody look at it, instead of just pushing the fridge back and being like 'okay good to go.'.

I'm also kicking myself because something in my gut
told me it wasn't quite right. It's always been loud but more importantly I can't even remember when but the vinyl floor started to have the seams to peel/stand up. The only place it's happening in my whole house is by the fridge which should've been my sign but I was assuming since I didn't see water; that may be dirt was getting in the seams & causing it to lift since it's such a high traffic area in my house... Or maybe that was my wishful hoping. You can somewhat see what i mean about the seams in this pic somewhat. At this point since I don't see any obvious signs of rot or Cave-in or mold i'm thinking I'll just leave it for a while to dry out. My mother has offered to pay for the kitchen floor to be redone since she oversaw the setup, even though I'm not really blaming her. But I'll definitely have her person come take a look at it and give their opinion as to what's needed and what caused it (even thou i know) and how bad or not it may be to repair/replace...
I'm trying to look on the bright side so I can say at least I found it & it didn't continue. Also plus during cold freezes I normally don't leave anything dripping so maybe my pipes didnt burst because I did have a slow drip after all....yeah, that bright side is a stretch....